Very good, when squeezes to get off the ground he goes to the side. But after the to control him in the air
A lot of fun, especially the part of being able to do piroettes in the air.
The cameras are good, and the battery lasts about 20 minutes.
He arrived 1 day ahead of schedule.
* How to use *
To connect the control with the drone hold the power button on top of the drone, until a blue light flashes. Then turn on the control. To see if it's working, see if it stopped flashing the light on the drone.
Then on the left analog direct up and will turn on the propellers, then again with the analog direct up to rise.
The right analog is used to move sideways
And the left to go up down and off and turn on the propellers.
I recommend having a big place to use it, I go to a field close to home.